What Causes Cataracts?

What is a cataract? How does a cataract affect your vision? What causes cataracts? How do I know if I have a cataract? How is a cataract diagnosed? What treatments can help my cataracts? What happens during cataract surgery? Fifty percent of people aged 75 and up suffer from trouble with their vision that causes […]
How to Take Advantage of Year-End HSA Savings

Focus on your vision before yet another calendar year rolls over! If you’ve been thinking about LASIK, now is the perfect time to use your HSA funds so you can see clearer in 2022. LASIK is often not covered by insurance, but HSA funds can be used to help you get rid of glasses and […]
How Much Is LASIK Eye Surgery?

What is LASIK eye surgery? Is LASIK eye surgery safe? What’s it like to recover from LASIK eye surgery? How much does LASIK eye surgery cost? Can I finance my LASIK eye surgery? Today, LASIK eye surgery is one of the most frequently performed elective surgeries in the United States. Since its approval in 1999, […]
Why Can I No Longer Read Without Glasses (Presbyopia)?

Written by Your Eye Specialists on November 21st, 2019
Glaucoma Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Written by yeseyes on July 11th, 2018
How Fast Does a Cataract Develop?

How quickly a cataract develops does vary based on the individual. In fact, cataract development speed can even vary between the eyes in the same person. Because most age-related cataracts typically develop over a span of years, it’s a relatively slow process. However, some types of cataracts may develop faster, such as in individuals with diabetes, where […]